Saying Yes to Change

If you’ve been asking God to direct you in changing some of your life circumstances, and then change is suddenly presented to you, you’d best not say “no”. I’m just being practical here.


I’m on an early morning drive with three hours to think. It’s a holiday weekend with a wedding to attend. I’m by myself, which was not the plan.

Change started a couple weeks ago when the husband did some work which hurt his back. It’s gotten worse to the point where he is staying home, using a walker, and asking me for help putting on socks and shoes and other bending over activities. He moves at snail pace, not a young vigorous snail either. Although he had planned to travel to this wedding, this morning it was deemed impossible to get in and out of the car without further harm. He stayed home. I wonder if this is the beginning of change for us and I want to say”no!”

Yesterday my daughter called and said that she had a client who was interested in taking my horse. I’ve considered selling him because I have so little opportunity to ride or care for him and I know he is a financial liability for my daughter. It needed to be decided quickly, so I said yes. The only horse I have ever owned has now left the herd. But I know that this makes a much easier situation for my daughter, especially should she ever decide to move.
I have no idea how these two things would work together to answer my recent prayers that we be brought together as a family. Perhaps they won’t. But I am certain that God can be trusted to hear and work out what is best for all of us. With a mixture of excitement, and concern as to what part I am to play, I am waiting for the next thing. I’m saying yes, even before I understand. Maybe that’s what trust is…, just sayin’.

10 thoughts on “Saying Yes to Change

  1. Not knowing how things will shake out when the unexpected happens is a delicious part of life if you let it be. All you need are faith and trust — and a little bit of pixie dust!

  2. Be careful for what you pray for Shirley. If I pray and am not specific I find that God makes the choices. Like when I prayed for a partner who was kind, caring and considerate. Well God found him for me, what I didn’t specify was how close he had to be, I ended up moving 400 miles lol Blessings Joy

  3. SHIRLEY, sorry about Dennis getting laid up.. He will be OK. And selling the horse is sad but probably wise. Now he will get used more and besides Dr. Jules still has the two nice foals from Flea [Ghost] So, ‘Ye and She’ still have two good horses to ride.

  4. Life’s like that. Hope your husband feels better soon. When I was down with a terrible back issue, I wasn’t able to walk and stand well. That time my husband got a work opportunity to go to London for 3 weeks. I wanted him to go cos this was a learning for him and not stay back for me. I said yes to that change and I’m glad he went 🙂

  5. Praying for you, Shirley. Praying for “the husband” that this will be a temporary setback and wisdom moving forward. The seasons of our lives….Yes, trust in the Lord with all your heart. Living to be our age we are blessed to see how He has used all things for good when we have walked (sometimes stumbled) trusting in Him.

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