Lumen Update #3

This last January 13, 2024 I ordered a Lumen device to help track my metabolism. It arrived on January 18 and I began using it on the 19th. My first flex score, a measure of how easily my metabolism switches from burning carbs to burning fat for energy, was surprisingly good – 18.6, which is considered high. It has gone down every week since then and is now at 11.4 which is medium flexibility. I’m not sure how to fix this because I don’t know why it’s happening. Clearly, I still have some learning ahead of me.


This eating style is definitely low carb, and I know now that I am, or have been, mainly a high carb eater. It’s been dismaying to realize that carbs are everywhere, in all my favorite foods. On my most restricted days when I should eat only 75 grams of carbohydrates, I am often over that even when I’m eating good stuff.

Protein recommendations, on the other hand, are hard to match. I can only eat so much meat. When I try to add vegetable protein, like beans, tofu, cheese, etc… I’m also adding carbs, which puts me over in that category.

I don’t worry about the fat category as much. Most of the fats I eat are good for me and I seldom go over, in spite of the way I love butter. I’ve gotten good at avoiding salad dressings by using balsamic vinegars.


I’ve learned to be more aware of when I eat, and how to increase the periods of intermittent, overnight fasting. I know I should eat most of my carbs in the first half of the day. I should also stop eating at least three hours before going to sleep for the night. My problem comes in the evening. If I am watching TV, I am going to get hungry and there is hardly anything I can eat that is not loaded with carbohydrate. A whole careful day goes amiss with one injudicious snack.

I eat vegetables for breakfast most every day, and. protein second, with every meal and snack


This is the habit I am trying to build now. In each meal, eat vegetables and fiber first, protein second, and carbs last. If I do it right, I’m so full at the end that I can’t eat all the carbs anyway. And I’m finding that I’m satisfied with less – maybe an orange, or some grapes.


I know if I can’t get happy about eating this way, it won’t be sustainable. I miss having a cookie or two. I miss having dessert. And I really miss having good bread as often as I want it. But guess what? I’ve lost nearly 20 pounds and have consistently lower blood pressure readings. I’ve stopped taking one of my blood pressure medicines altogether. I am happy about that, for sure.

I’m still waiting for the cravings to go away, but meanwhile, I’ve found a way to work some of my favorite food habits into the picture. I do have

1) my morning latte and a piece of toast with butter

2) my hearty dinner of meat/fish and vegetables before 6 pm, in front of TV. I eat alone anyway so this gives me some company and also solves the question of what to eat while watching TV.

3) I hardly ever have to spend a lot of time in the kitchen. This goes a long way toward making me happy.


I’m enough interested in what I’m learning through Lumen to pay the year in advance. The app that analyzes my device readings has a monthly charge and I’m committing to that length of time to see if I can learn what makes my metabolism go into fat burning mode. I’m always surprised at the readings I get – they are not what I would expect – so clearly I’m not understanding it all yet. And, hey, it’s a cool, little gadget.

2 thoughts on “Lumen Update #3

  1. 20 pounds!?!?! Amazing, Shirley! You must be at your ideal weight, then. Congratulations!

    So do you change things so that you don’t keep losing weight?

Talk (write) to me.