#AtoZChallenge: My Favorite Things W

The Woods

That’s what we called it when I was growing up, “the woods”. Even though there were trees in lots of other places, when we said “the woods” we all knew which trees we were talking about. It was a lot of several acres covered with hardwood trees of various kinds that had been left forested when the land around it had been cleared for farmland. It was behind our house and it never took more than two or three minutes to slide between the fence wires and run across the small pasture to the edge of the shady, cool greenness.

A slightly crooked view of the Owen Smith farm with the favorite woods dark behind the buildings.

I spent a lot of time there doing “kid work”. I cleared paths, made moss gardens,  forts from branches, and climbed trees. My favorite trees had names. I knew where to look for the first flowers in the spring, the small ones. They were soon replaced by a green and white carpet of triliums, then the jack in the pulpits, the columbine, the ferns, princess pine, and wintergreen. All this to say that I was blessed, early on, to have developed a love and respect for a forest ecosystem. I would almost say that I need to have ready access to that kind of place to be truly happy.

Which is why I like to think that I’ve been blessed again, by a knowing God, to live in another woods. This one I call “the oneacrewoods”. I’ve watched this acre of Florida bloom and grow since 1994. It never ceases to amaze with its century old live oaks, palms, citrus, kapok and pine trees. It has bromeliads, cactus, orchids, and many kinds of exotic ferns and grasses. We see land tortoises, raccoons, possums, armadillos, squirrels aplenty, large hawks, many smaller birds, and an occasional fox. I can’t adequately describe how beautiful I find this place to be, how special it is, how favorite to me.


Sunday Walk
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Have you ever loved a place so much that it made you cry to think of leaving it?

7 thoughts on “#AtoZChallenge: My Favorite Things W

  1. I’m very thankful for the trees that are still here – way to many are being cut down to make room for stores/shopping malls or to save the sidewalks from being destroyed by the roots. Very sad. Wooded areas are becoming scarce but I can’t imagine not living near the ocean. – Marie The Articulate Image

    • I couldn’t imagine living in the L.A. area, until I had to do it. I adapted (but was ready to leave when the time came.) I take it you are by the ocean and hope you don’t have to leave, ever. Thanks for commenting.

  2. I too, grew up with “the woods” behind my house, and I practically lived there as a kid. For a few years, I didn’t have anything like that where I was living, but a few years ago, I was lucky enough to move somewhere where I have my woods again.
    Doree Weller

  3. What wonderful childhood memories and adventures. And how perfect you’re enjoying the woods once again. Those are fabulous photos – no wonder you’re in love.

  4. I totally understand your love for that life. Grew up very much the same and was a mess when my mother became widowed and sold the farm. But I’ve lived in a home now that has a similar backdoor view so everything worked out just fine 🙂 Great post!

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